Machinery Breakdown Insurance

This covers unforeseen and sudden damage to the insured plant and machineries from such causes as:-

  • Faulty design, construction or erection, vibration, maladjustment, misalignment
  • Defective lubrication, loosening of parts, abnormal stress, molecular fatigue, self-help centrifugal force
  • Excessive electrical pressure whether due to atmospheric electricity or otherwise
  • Shortage of water in boilers, physical explosion tearing apart on account of centrifugal force
  • Failure of insulation, short circuit open circuit and arcing
  • Failure of connected machinery or protective devices
  • Falling, impact, collision etc

The main thrust of this cover is mainly electrical and mechanical breakdown and accident damage to plants and machineries from extraneous causes.

The exclusions are in three groups

  • Those subject of other policies e.g. fire, theft etc
  • Those which are uninsurable e.g. wear and tear etc
  • Those which when insured demand individual consultants